Voice Recordings including Arrangements
Satisfaction in the Sufficient Christ
Beholding the Beautiful Christ
Good News for You
Songs from Challenge Week
Hymns of Truth and Praise
Hymns of Worship and Remembrance

Midst the Darkness (words only)

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Hymn Books

Truth & Praise # 199
Worship & Remembrance # 207



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‘Midst the darkness, storm, and sorrow, One bright gleam I see;
Well I know the blessed morrow Christ will come for me.
‘Midst the light, and peace, and glory Of the Father’s home,
Christ for me is waiting, watching, Waiting ‘till I come.

Who is this, who comes to meet me, On the desert way,
As the Morning Star foretelling God’s unclouded day?
He it is who came to win me, On the cross of shame;
In His glory well I know Him Evermore the same.

O the blessed joy of meeting All the desert past.
O the wondrous words of greeting He shall speak at last!
He and I together ent’ring Those bright courts above;
He and I together sharing All the Father’s love.

Where no shade nor stain can enter, Nor the gold be dim;
In that holiness unsullied I shall walk with Him.
Meet companion, then, for Jesus, From Him, for Him, made;
Glory of God's grace forever There in me displayed.

He, who in the hour of sorrow Bore the curse alone;
I, who through the lonely desert Trod where He had gone.
He and I, in that bright glory One deep joy shall share;
Mine, to be forever with Him, His, that I am there!

Song Info

Author: Gerhard Tersteegen
Composer: Mrs. C. H. Scott