In Glory Bright Above
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Hymn Books
Worship & Remembrance | # 69 |
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In glory bright above, Thou art exalted, Lord;
And we, who know Thy love, Unite with glad accord
To sing Thy praise, for Thou alone
Art worthy to ascend the throne.
Art worthy to ascend the throne.
Preeminent on high, O'er all things now supreme,
Thou once didst stoop to die, And by Thy blood redeem
Our souls from sin. We praise Thy name.
Worthy art Thou of endless fame!
Worthy art Thou of endless fame!
Now risen from the dead, Firstborn in life art Thou;
The Church's living Head, In heav'nly glory now:
Our glorious Lord, we give Thee praise!
To Thee our joyful songs we raise!
To Thee our joyful songs we raise!
We wait Thine advent, Lord, When Thou from heav'n shalt come,
And, with that quick'ning word, Call all Thy people home.
Then, Lord, Thou shalt Thy travail see,
Be satisfied, eternally!
Be satisfied, eternally!
Song Info
Author: H. J. Vine; Alfred P. GibbsComposer: James McGranahan