They Are Not Lost, But Gone Before
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Hymn Books
Truth & Praise | # 618 |
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Blessed it is when Christians sleep,
They are with Christ whom they adore;
Why then should we in anguish weep?
They are not lost - but gone before.
Relieved from every mortal care,
By sin and sorrow vexed no more.
Eternal happiness they share;
They are with Christ - just gone before.
They wait for us in courts above,
Where saints all meet to part no more.
Embraced are they in arms of love,
They are with Christ - whom they adore.
Soon, soon, our blessed Lord will come,
And we shall meet those gone before.
We then shall find in that blest home,
They've been with Christ - whom they adore
Song Info
Author: Alt. by Thomas B. GilbertComposer: Lowell Mason